Latest Saree Designs - Saree Borders Designs

3mm sequins aansluit werk kant grens

We are advancing you broad assortment of weaved Trim borders that are used inside any sorts of dresses and outfits together. This Trim border consolidates 3mm sequins join work and jolt topics woolen string work looking amazingly delightful. It's amazingly ordered to improve African Agbada and Jalabiya dresses moreover. The previously stated may be tweaked consistent with the specific necessities of our clients.

spieƫl uitstappie kruie Raamwerk Kant grens

This mirror excursion herbal Framework Lace border using different weaving, This unique blossom trim is particularly made to expand the look of lounge chair, seats, window trimmings and other home equipping things. This strip is created with incredibleness and are offered to you tweaked portions.

Unieke Paisley resham string Trim grens

Unique paisley resham string Trim border that are manufactured from fine esteem fabrics and 3mm sequins line work. This is conceivable in more than enough shades and arrangements, its receptive in reach of shades, widths and thicknesses. We give it at sensible cost to our huge customers.

klassieke organiseerder Trim grens

Recognizable classic Organizer Trim border has 3mm sequin sewn and kasab string work by our innovative organizers. As we are moreover arrangement this strip consistent with your specific prerequisites and references, it can similarly be profited with tweaked office. You can use it as a part of front side veil straps, wearing stock, sweat bunches and fronts arrange synchronously.

Vryhand trek natuurlike Trim
Freehand trek natural Trim outskirt has different shades arrangement of kasab string and foam weaving work. It's best to layout sleeves of dresses, support ladies shoelaces, adaptable spreads and nail paint diagrams also. This trim is in like manner approachable in unique plans, shades and plots.

Opwindende verskaffing Strip

Exciting Strip outskirt is processed out of premium quality thick fibers. This floral lace outskirt arranged for extraordinary occasions for enhancing the internal parts of furnishing like ground blankets, table fabrics or sofa and cushion fronts and making them look more vibrant and vivacious. This trim is receptive in various shades and verity additionally.

3mm silwer sequins geweef Strip

We are speak for a respectable level of skill in the arranging of weaved Strip outskirt with 3mm silver sequins join work. This strip is extensively used as home furnishing things. Used to enhance the sign of the room and making a style decree, this trim is particularly illustrated according to the business segment essentials.