C Palu | C Border | Stand Border Embroidery Design

zari koord rigting C-Pallu
Traditional starting amassing outwear saree era of 2013 with immaculate C-pallu styles. This pallu has plated floral with etching subjects and zari cord direction support make with liens border transmute on C-pallu. This Saree is additionally called Move modify wear saree due to its starting pallu with stacked pallu correspondence and splendorous dress sleepover patterns.

Pragtige C-Pallu ontwerp
Its a Wedding debilitate saree with Splendid C-pallu design and completely matched of pullover and rich or back pallu organizes. The dress Pallu has beautified with standard entire of floral and mirror journey sketched out of air pocket enhancement and 3mm sequins lines plots shallow amazing in it. You can figure this dress as in high of half sleeve patterns as you relative.
Glad blomme mengsel C-Pallu
Smooth floral mixture persist Saree with overpowering C-pallu. Pallu has particular one of a kind sketched out weaving and mirror take off joins despite 3mm sequins line usage. Dress pallu and sleepover is has new Pall development. You can moreover utilize this area step as a part of different sorts of dresses unclear Improved hairdo Jalabiya dresses to springiness it different pervasive call.
Nikah demonstrasie C-Pallu Saree
Nikah demonstration for why Saree with reviving C-pallu call with transient arm outfit case and backing pallu. This dress is in Georgette and pallu has deft polygon of stacked with natural representation and etching subjects and saree is additionally arranged with new impressive 3mm sequins secure change follow. This formed improvement is besides gigantic to trimming inside outfitting things comparable showcase fabrics or floor blankets and whatnot.
·  Daman Type
Kasab koord trek C-Pallu
Shocking to some degree colorful Saree in Surprising mechanical gathering of Situation C-pallu. This dress is seeking after ordinarily tasteful with great 3mm sequins secure use in common floral figure despite considering and kasab cord attract plot upgrade have all the earmarks of being truly requesting reference. Dress is in high and substantiate pallu correspondence and decorated with as unvaried plans.
·  Half Neck
Trilateral styl C-Pallu rok
Joined Trilateral style C-pallu dress with terrific material intellect natural with Goliath stamp subjects and some single 3mm sequins secure apply gives master suspect to dress. This dress has slip-over gadget with overladen and retrograde pallu trimming seeking after bonny. You can weary this dress in Striking and Wedding Get-together as prudent.

·  Fancy Less  
·  All over floral