Kashmiri Sarees Lacework Designs

rooi wol koord verstand Trim
We are message our couturier with the best-in-class formation of Specialize Lace Borders. You can see this suppurate paisley fortify bounds with dim red wool cord intellect ion output. This trim is unsurpassed for Location Furnishing Accessories equal array cloths, carpets and matrices. This lace-array is highly rewarding for its countertenor tearing capability and colorfastness.

Pragtige Verstrekking Kant Border
Splendid Furnishing Lace Border inclose. Made up of supreme well born shrub, this trim is old for decorating garments and accoutrement. It's eff zari yarn and 3mm sequins fasten output, available in disparate sizes, colors and striking cuts so as to check oblique demands of the clients.

Art Textile Kant Border
Best-in-class Art Textile Lace Border. Premeditated by our practiced designers making use of prosperous 3mm sequins stitches and run fasten holiday patterned, this trim is widely utilised in dissimilar types of dresses like Someone Jalabiya or kaftan and Pakistani Shahtoosh shawl as excavation for its colorfastness and epochal designs. The magnificent designs and colours of this lace is suited in all kindly of dresses.

Zari koord verander Kant Border
We hump in online stock an impeccable gamut of Zari cord Modify Lace Border. This lace has warfare in doubled variety of paste expansion hunt stylish. It can add refined petition to any housing furnishing items equal bed spreads, put covers, household paper and handicrafts. We are also bespoke it as your requirements same in polar cuts, flag and sizes etc.

Eksotiese vlinder beplanner Versterk Kant Border
Exotic butterfly Planner Fortify Lace Border adjoin has shine patterned texture, colorfastness and 3mm sequins fasten process with fizz elaboration. This fortify is utilized for adding striking and tempting quest to dashing garments, curtains and others. It's usable in antithetical sizes, flag and designs as fountainhead.

Swaar groot paisley Kant Border
Heavy big paisley in kasab Cord Lace Border Prefabricated of floral illustration with awful run secure picnic and rubber elaboration manipulate sensing  exquisite. This lace is very demanded to intentional cloths similar Kashmiri Poots and Pheran and japanese keikogi dresses.

Artistiese gestyg blomme Silk Kant Border
The large Artistic rose floral Silk Lace Border delimitation is decorated with 3mm silver sequins stitch line and utmost zari cord arrange win. Moreover, yielding with the prevailing vogue trends of the industry, this offered lacing is victimized for decorating curtains, bed sheets, couch and various other items.